Wow! I can’t believe how fast this year is flying by. We are getting really excited about the Bind 19 Conference and all the amazing classes associated with that. If you don’t already have your tickets click on the link above and grab them now! You won’t regret it.
The conference is being held at Rhodes in Sydney. There will be talks, demonstrations and trade tables. The opening night will be at the Guild’s bindery in Callan Park Rozelle.
I am really looking forward to catching up with my lovely customers face to face too, it’s a great experience attending a bookbinding conference, meeting like minded people and picking up tips and tricks. I always learn so much. This year we are lucky to have so many well know binders coming from the UK and of course some of our very talented locals. You can see the full program here.
The classes before and after the conference in Sydney and Canberra will be amazing. Most of the Sydney classes are full and taking waitlist students only. There are still some places in Canberra for anyone who can make it, I would definitely love to attend Philippa and Dieter Räder’s classes to fine tune my box making skills, their leather work and attention to detail is fantastic. Philippa will teach the Chemise in a two-day workshop, a chemise is like a “cardigan” for your book. It is a beautiful and stylish way to protect a lovely book. Dieter will follow up with a leather entry slip case to house the book inside it’s chemise or a book of your choice with or without a chemise. The opening of this case is covered in leather and rounded at the head and tail. This structure protects your book whilst still showing off its spine. You will learn some terrific skills in these two classes. Canberra, for those of you who are not from Australia is just a 3 hour bus trip from Sydney.
See you at the Conference!