We have added a great deal to our product range lately, here are just a few to wet the appetite.
We have received a nice collection of second-hand tools for re-sale, they are sold “as is” so take a look at the printed impressions we have provided to get a good idea of the imprint for finishing tools. There are also some lovely type holders, both newer and older versions. I have a soft spot for the old tools, I love the feeling of history, thinking of who may have worked with a tool and where that may have been.
On the subject of finishing, we have some gold leaf back in stock and we now have some lovely squirrel gilding brushes in stock. If you are planning to do gold edges on your book block you will need both of these.
We are thrilled to have a lovely range of Casselli Spatulas in stock now also. These little tools are great for conservation and repair work. It is always so good to have just the right tool for the job and Casselli make beautiful well-crafted, hand forged tools. In addition to Casselli tools we have some of our own brand Micro spatulas which are a delight to use.
For those of you who like to save time we now stock a good range of Lineco products including; hinging tissue & tapes, in linen and Japanese paper, we even have archival photo corners so that when you produce that beautiful handmade photo album you can mount your photos in.
Having had trouble in the past finding the right fan brush we now have one made especially for us. This fan brush is a pure hog’s bristle brush so it is firm and not too thick with a short handle so that you are not going to poke your eye out while you’re working
To make your life easier we now sell a craft roller and tray with replacement rollers available too, when you are gluing out something very large you will love it. We also have ergonomic scalpel handles to save your hands and some lovely little sharp scissors.
We are constantly working on increasing our product list so that we can be your one stop shop for all your bookbinding needs. Follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep up to date with the new products as they arrive.
Happy Binding!