Bind25, Workshops & other News

I know I know, it’s been an incredibly long gap between updates but on the bright side we do not fill your inbox up with unnecessary junk.

The BIG news is the Bind25 bookbinding conference is to be held in September in Auckland New Zealand this year. A great opportunity to combine a holiday with bookbinding and you don’t have to sit on a plane for 24 hours!

In conjunction with Bind25 Andersen’s Bindery is pleased to announce that we will be hosting classes with Coleen Curry.  Coleen is an award-winning contemporary design binder and book artist. Her aim is to craft technically evocative books that evoke a visual, sensual, and tactile experience. You will be able to read more about Coleen in our News, “In Focus” article soon. This year Coleen will be teaching two classes on consecutive weekends which will tie together beautifully. 

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A woodworking legacy

The craft of bookbinding relies heavily on the tools we use and no one made wooden bookbinding equipment better than Frank Wiesner. Before Frank died, we talked about how we could continue to provide the quality handmade tools in this country that he had tirelessly made for so many years. Now it is my pleasure to introduce you to Matthew Dwight.

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Library binding

2023 Bookbinding Events

Hi folks,
Cali here from Andersen’s bindery. It has certainly been a while since I managed to correspond with you. I am so excited for the year to come. There are so many great bookbinding events coming up. We are starting with some classes in book repair at the NSW Guild of Craft Bookbinders with the extremely knowledgeable Karen Vidler (Karen & Nicky Oliver have a fabulous booklet available here on board attachment). Then in June the “Dynamic Duo” are back, that’s right, Dominic Riley and Michael Burke are coming out from England again after a busy schedule of teaching around England and over at the San Francisco Centre for the Book. We are hosting them at Andersen’s Bindery and at the NSW Guild. Then in July the Queensland Guild are hosting Bind23 at the University of Queensland. The conferences are always fun and informative and of course you can enjoy the opportunity of seeing & touching the goodies for sale on the trade tables where all your favorite suppliers will gather to show off their products. So many bookbinding opportunities in the coming months!

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Glaire and other news

Well, what a time to be alive. I hope that you have been finding time to work on your bookbinding. We have been busy here even when we were locked down. Orders have been rushing in, most popular have been our kits, Long stitch binding, Japanese binding & of course the Deluxe Kit is a favourite paired with Kathy Abbott’s book for a fantastic gift.

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New Products

We have added a great deal to our product range lately, here are just a few to wet the appetite.

We have received a nice collection of second-hand tools for re-sale, they are sold “as is” so take a look at the printed impressions we have provided to get a good idea of the imprint for finishing tools. There are also some lovely type holders, both newer and older versions. I have a soft spot for the old tools, I love the feeling of history, thinking of who may have worked with a tool and where that may have been.Continue Reading

International Competition – Designer Bookbinders

Have you heard of the Designer Bookbinders society in England? Along with the Society of Bookbinders and the Guild of Book Workers it is one of the foremost groups devoted to the craft of fine bookbinding. Designer Bookbinders began over fifty years ago and runs regular exhibitions and competitions. They are dedicated to the encouraging the highest standards in bookbinding. Its membership includes some incredibly talented and highly regarded makers in the fields of fine bookbinding, book arts and artists’ books, each with a passion for presenting the bound text as a unique art object, encompassing text, structure, illustration, print and paper. Since 2009 Designer Bookbinders have had an International Competition where impeccable technique, individuality and innovation are highly regarded and encouraged.Continue Reading

Recent bookbinding publication – Board Attachment by Nicky Oliver and Karen Vidler

Recent bookbinding publication

Board Attachment by Nicky Oliver and Karen Vidler

Published by the Society of Bookbinders, 2019

Bookbinders Nicky Oliver and Karen Vidler decided to write the Board Attachment pamphlet after conversations with Bookbinding teacher Maureen Duke and the many students they have taught over the last 10 years. All agreed there is a need for short, easy to follow bookbinding manuals as unrefereed YouTube videos are not meeting the need in providing guidance to learning bookbinding techniques to a high standard.  The authors were seeking to meet this need by writing this manual of some foundation skills in hand bookbinding that they would loved to have read during their early bookbinding education and training. Continue Reading

Paper Repairs

Hello everyone, I know it has been a long time since I last posted here. You all know the reasons, fires, pandemic, life. I thought I would have a chat about paper repairs and the things you need to repair tears in your books.Continue Reading

The Festival of the Book

Well the Australian Bookbinding Conference, Bind 19 is over and was a great success. The NSW Guild of Craft Bookbinders did a fantastic job organising the conference. The venue was beautiful, right on the water and even the food was great. The speakers/presenters were all wonderful and all of us in the trade room had a fabulous time. The courses which we held both before and after the conference went very well too and the feedback was excellent!Continue Reading